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Dave Buonaguidi

Dave Buonaguidi

Dave Buonaguidi, otherwise known as ‘Real Hackney Dave’ is best known for his bold type on vintage ephemera, Dave loves to make his own stamp on found objects, experimenting with screenprinting onto almost anything to push boundaries.

His work aims to cause a stir, the contrast of familiar images with bold text; often controversial with the odd swear word to drive it home. Buonaguidi uses the idea of mass communication and advertising, paired with found imagery and objects and assertive text that challenges the viewer.

Dave has 30 years of experience in advertising. He founded St. Luke’s in 2000, the world’s first Co-operative ad agency, he then became Creative Director at Channel4, founded the advertising agency Karmarama and was Chief Creative Officer of the London office of Crispin Porter and Bogusky.

In 2003 he created the iconic ‘MAKE TEA NOT WAR’ poster for an anti-war march, which now forms part of the Victoria and Albert Museum collection and hangs in the Trento Museum of Modern Art.

During a year-long hiatus from the advertising world Dave fell in love with the process of screenprinting after attending a workshop in London, and has never looked back!

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